About Alisha R. Kaiser/Son’Yah

In the 70’s, I began a counseling practice in West Los Angeles as a Reichian Therapist. Then from 1979 to 1997, I apprenticed at the Don Juan Memorial Mystery School utilizing modernized Toltec practices, with a blend of oracular and alchemical teachings from the East and West.

My journey subsequently brought me to the doorstep of three Master Teachers. Over the next 18 years, I studied and practiced cosmos archetypal teachings of the East and West. During this course of time, I was also certified in 1st and 2d Degree Reiki and in Chinese Waitankung.  

I am also initiated in Surya Yoga and Spiritual Dream Psychology. As a spiritual scientist, I have journeyed into the quantum universe of my DNA to activate my Christ diamond light body. Discovering who I truly am, I now embody Sophia Christ Consciousness as Son’Yah.

As the Oracle for the Christ Codes, I have birthed a “Living Light Language” to manifest miracles on Earth for the Golden Age of Miracles. Utilizing Soul powers of creation, a “Living Light Language” offers a full blueprint and vocabulary of symbols and sounds crafted to embody primordial energy and raise consciousness for Quantum Empowerment Healing. When seeded into language, the Christ Codes produce powerful manifestation miracles through your intention.

For more information about the Christ Codes,™ please go to christcodes.com.